90 minutes from Johannesburg & 60 minutes from Pretoria

Slegs 'n beperkte aantal erwe is nou beskikbaar

Kontak ons ​​verkoopskantoor vir opgedateerde pryse, behuisingsontwerpe en herverkoopgeleenthede. Finansieringsopsies is beskikbaar.


There’s always s a ONE day, we decided not to wait until we reached retirement age, we needed to make memories Now and that was our decision to buy on Verloren.

With a short drive of 1.5 Hrs, we could enjoy weekends and holidays at our home in the bush in Verloren. This a place that is not only peaceful and tranquil, but a place to create treasured memories with family and friends!

- Justine

Verloren is that very special place to us where we can spend quality time with our family and friends. Here we build memories that we will cherish forever.

- Jacques

Verloren is hoog gelee op heuwels en koppies, met die mooiste uitsig en berge wat hul reusagtige prag ten toon stel aan die inwoners.

Verloren, soos die naam aandui, verloor jy niks, behalwe die tyd, en die gejaag na wind. Jy vind jou doel as mens en hier kom jy tuis. Met die stilte en naggeluide, die wilde diere en voels, mag jy dalk nostalgies raak. Hier vind jou siel rus.

Die ontwikkelaar Fred van Heerden het hierdie passie van hom uitgeleef toe hy Verloren opgekoop en gestig het. Met toewyding en ontsaglike harde werk deur hom en sy span het sy droom waarheid geword.

Een van die mooiste en onderhoudende plase in die Waterberge behoort aan elke eienaar, met voltitel, op

- Susan Villavicencio

Verloren is our  piece of paradise under the African sky. We love living here. The main reasons for this is that we live  on a game farm which is quiet,  peaceful and safe. We  can watch animals from our  patio and on our  walks .On our  morning walks we often walk  past warthog, giraffe  and kudu, just to name a few of the many animal and bird  species here. And when we are not walking past animals, we are admiring the most beautiful view of the Waterberg mountains in the distance. 

The big open skies are quite something, and nothing beats the night sky, where it is so dark that you see the millions of stars and the Milkyway. And of course, there are the most incredible sunsets!!! 
So Verloren is the best lifestyle decision we made. All the beauty of the bush, and only 90 minute  from Johannesburg. Lastly, Verloren’s biggest attraction for us is that it is pet friendly. Our two yorkies love their bush lifestyle, so for us Verloren delivers 150%. 

- Sian Loehrer

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